Australian Wilderness Photo Gallery
What's New
The galleries are constantly growing and new features are being added. This page
should give you an idea of what's going on.
6 December 2002
14 October 2002
30 July 2001
- Cleaned up all the HTML by using style sheets and running it through a HTML validator.
3 June 2001
4 February 2001
15 December 2000
27 November 2000
1 April 2000
18 November 1999
25 August 1999
- Added some environmental links.
14 June 1999
15 May 1999
- Opened the new Guest Gallery. The Guest
Gallery is open for anyone to submit their photographs.
14 March 1999
- Added a Technical page to give an
idea of what equipment and processes go into this web site.
- Added a Postcards page with a
selection of pictures to use a postcards.
- Added the Guest Gallery and am now
looking for submissions.
- Did a big tidy up by updating links to external sites, fixing minor
problems and generally making sure everything is consistent and tidy. That's
not to say I haven't missed something. Please let me know if you find
something that isn't working.
25 February 1999
- All images can now be sent as a postcard to your friends.
10 May 1998
5 March 1998
- Re-launch on a new server, domain name and design.
- Many new Tasmanian photos to arrive very soon.
- Playing with the idea of a bushwalking/photo forum.
- Hoping to implement a postcard system very soon (I have to finish writing
21 November 1997
15 September 1997
- Added locations to all the images when viewing slideshows.
4 September 1997
28 June 1997
12 June 1997
- Added size controls when viewing the full sized version of the
22 May 1997
18 May 1997
04 May 1997
- Made the Featured Photo a monthly
- Created a page for slideviewer.cgi
- Changed some of the backgrounds to black. Some photos seem to look much
better on a dark background. Although I may change my mind again.
28 March 1997
18 March 1997
- Added the Snow Gallery.
- Improved the performance of the slideshow.
7 March 1997
2 March 1997
- Added the Hut Gallery.
- Created a cgi script to format the large images.
28 February 1997
27 February 1997
- Added a slide show to the Bushwalking
- Removed backgrounds from all pages. Bah, who needs them!.
25 February 1997
- Created multiple views into the Bushwalking Gallery to enable people on slower
links to be able to download smaller chunks.
22 February 1997
21 February 1997